Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day of Reckoning?

Conversations after my last post made me think that perhaps I left too negative an impression. The societal, economic and "evolutionary" pressures converging on our multitude of charities will result in massive change.  I stand by my statement that a day of reckoning will come, particularly for the tens of thousands of charities, particularly smaller ones, that struggle to make ends meet every day.

But my sense is that smaller charities that are smart and innovative - and in particular well led charities of all sizes - will find a way to thrive.

First, after some meetings recently about Social Finance, I believe there are some wonderful and highly entrepreneurial ways we can meet this challenge.  This video at covers the general outlines of Social Finance very well.

Simiarly, I've always been impressed by the work of organizations that encourage donors to think critically about their giving... To the degree giving from the heart and the head grows we may see greater innovation and social impact in the long term.  One good site for this sort of information is 

A day of reckoning is looming, but it need not necessarily be one of disasterous proportions.

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